Did you know that numerous lifestyle habits, your diet, your frequency of visits to your dentist, and you're cleaning techniques can all play a significant role in the development of gum disease? It's true; gum disease has numerous risk factors that cause it to occur. Thus, it is important to make sure you are taking time to improve all aspects... read more »
When chompers first begin erupting from your child’s jaw and through their gums, you’re definitely going to enjoy the process as much as they will: that is to say not very much. This eruption process can be difficult for the child, making their gums throbby and tender. Imagine the sensation of a new tooth emerging through some of the soft... read more »
Brush Pediatric & Family Dentistry and our team here in Enid, OK, would like to wish you a happy holiday season. If you haven't already done so, it is important to establish a checklist of an oral health care to determine if you're doing everything you can to prepare your smile for a bright and shining new year. It is... read more »
As we get older, our teeth can begin to look older, too, as a result of a higher susceptibility to tooth decay, enamel loss, and gum disease. However, our dentist in Enid, OK, Dr. Chris Fagan can help you enjoy a beautiful and youthful-looking smile for life with quality dental checkups and restorative treatment. Dental checkups help keep tooth decay and... read more »
Dentures have been in the dental market for several decades, and are a popular choice for tooth replacement. Despite their longevity and popularity, there are many aspects of dentures people don’t know about. Our dentist in Enid, OK, Dr. Chris Fagan offers the following facts about dentures for your benefit: Dentures aren’t just for older patients. Tooth loss can occur... read more »
Do you have a cracked tooth? If so, it’s best to contact your dentist in Enid, Oklahoma, Dr. Chris Fagan, and schedule an appointment. The sooner you treat the crack, the better. That way the crack doesn’t get worse and damage more of your tooth and smile. Fortunately, there are many treatments that can help you restore the health of your... read more »
Are you suffering from bad breath? Do you frequently have bad breath even after cleaning your mouth with mouthwash or other oral health care treatment to eradicate the condition? If so, your bad breath may be the result of an underlying condition that cannot easily be cleaned. There are numerous causes bad breath, some which are easily preventable and some... read more »
Could you brag to your friends about your dental knowledge? Do you think you know all there is to know about dental care? If so, our dentist, Dr. Chris Fagan, would like to challenge you! Today, he invites you to take a quiz on dental checkups. The more you know, the better, so we hope you learn something new! Good... read more »
Even if you are very conscientious about brushing, it is entirely possible that you often overlook that small container of dental floss gathering dust in your medicine cabinet, or in your bathroom drawer. And let’s face it, when you are getting ready to leave in the morning, you’re in a hurry and you need to brush your teeth and get... read more »
Your toothbrush has an important job. It keeps your teeth and gums free of from plaque and bacteria that can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. To make sure you toothbrush remains an effective tool for oral health, you need to take care of it. You dentist, Dr. Chris Fagan in Enid, Oklahoma has some helpful tips for keeping... read more »