When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »
Discomfort when you consume certain foods and beverages can be concerning. Over time people struggling with tooth sensitivity often start to make alternative food and drink choices, which can impact their overall enjoyment of life. Determining the cause and severity of your tooth sensitivity will go a long way toward helping our dentist to provide you with an effective treatment... read more »
Sometimes an accidental blow to the mouth, grinding teeth or a bad habit like chewing on pens and pencils can exert enough force to chip a tooth’s enamel layer. While many of these incidents cause significant dental trauma, there are still sometimes when the damage is minor and limited to a non-critical surface of a tooth. Yet you shouldn’t let... read more »
Did you know that there’s a “right” and “wrong” toothpaste? Well, sort of. The thing is, there are a ton of different toothpaste options available, and there are some that are better for you than others. A lot of factors go into choosing the right toothpaste, but Dr. Chris Fagan and the team here at Brush Pediatric & Family Dentistry... read more »
If you had the chance to prevent yourself from contracting a disease that millions of other American adults suffer from, would you do it? Of course you would. The thing is, many people don’t. Protecting yourself from gum disease is as easy as regularly brushing and flossing, coupled with visits to Dr. Chris Fagan and the team at Brush Pediatric... read more »
Hitting your head or suffering an accidental blow to the face can sometimes harm teeth and soft tissues. In a situation like this, you might need to apply some basic first-aid measures while you seek emergency care from a dedicated dentist in Enid, Oklahoma like Dr. Chris Fagan. Assessing the severity of the damage to soft tissues and teeth can be... read more »
The American Dental Association recommends that you have a routine dental checkup administered twice each year by a dentist like our dentist in Enid, Oklahoma, Dr. Chris Fagan. If you have a bad habit of putting off these important appointments a cavity could go undetected. Over time what started out as a relatively small area of tooth decay could start... read more »
Nobody want to be told they have a cavity. We know that cavities are bad—but do you know how cavities form? If you know the cavity formation process, you can better avoid them in the future. Our skilled dentist in Enid, Oklahoma, is happy to offer some advice. Primarily, cavities form due to acid eroding the tooth enamel. The acids... read more »
When it comes to brushing teeth, if you have improper technique or ineffective tools, it can lead to an ineffective routine. This is at least a waste of your time, and likely it will do active damage to your smile. Here are some common questions asked about brushing teeth and answers that our dentists, Drs. Fagan and Fagan, in Enid,... read more »
Dental veneers are thin-as-wafer customized shells that cover the front surfaces of your teeth to mask unwanted flaws, especially teeth that are misaligned, discolored, chipped, or cracked. To determine if this procedure is right for you, we invite you to consider the following benefits of dental veneers from our staff here in Enid, Oklahoma, and our dental professionals: - Because... read more »