Designed specifically for your smile, a dental crown is a restoration that covers the visible part of your tooth. Dr. Chris Fagan may recommend a dental crown to:
– Support and protect a tooth that has had a large dental filling or multiple fillings where there isn’t enough tooth structure remaining
– Protect a weak or cracked tooth from fracturing
– Hold a broken tooth together
– Anchor a dental bridge
– Restore a dental implant
– Improve the appearance of a stained or misshaped tooth
– Support a tooth that has had root canal therapy
Even though a dental crown can last a lifetime, they can sometimes become loose or fall out. To help your dental crown last for as long as possible, practice proper oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth, including your new crown, twice a day. In addition, it is imperative that you floss every day, including the area around your crown. Another way to help the health of your dental crown is to visit Brush Pediatric & Family Dentistry at least every six months for a professional dental cleaning and exam with our dentist in Enid, Oklahoma. You can prevent damage to your new dental crown by avoiding chewing on hard foods, ice, or other hard things.
We invite you to contact our dental office today for more information and to schedule your next visit with our dentist in Enid, Oklahoma.